Rupam Ghosh

violin In North Indian classical violin, Rupam Ghosh is the new millennium star. He began to learn violin from the age of 9 years old under the tutelage of proclaimed violinist Prof. Robin Ghosh. From the beginning, he proved his competency. Rupam started performing at the tender age of 14. Rupam was awarded by Calcutta University as a young artist in the…

Alain Bédard

double bass Bassist, Composer, Entrepreneur Alain Bédard began his professional career in the 1980s, when he naturally joined various Quebec bands of the time. Since then, his participation in various major events has taken him all over the world, providing him with a fascinating experience. Recipient of the “Héron d'Or” for his contribution to the…

Yves Léveillé

piano Achievements Yves Léveillé, pianist, composer, GD / AD of Les Productions Yves Léveillé Recipient of the Spacq Foundation's Prix André Gagnon (instrumental music) in 2018, the musician is recognized both for his compositions and arrangements and for his many musical collaborations with leading jazzmen, singers, songwriters, actors and directors. Pianist and composer Yves Léveillé…

James Falzone

clarinet and penny whistle Clarinetist, penny whistle player, composer, and improviser James Falzone is an acclaimed member of the international jazz and creative music scenes, a veteran contemporary music lecturer and clinician, and an award-winning composer who has been commissioned by chamber ensembles, dance companies, choirs, and symphony orchestras around the globe. He leads his own ensembles Allos…

Virginia McDowell

oboe Virginia McDowell currently resides in New Orleans where she’s Principal Oboe with the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. She has previously served as guest Principal Oboe of the Cleveland Orchestra, the Houston Symphony, the Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, the Florida Orchestra, and the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. Additionally, she has performed with the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra,…

Dalai Cellai

cello Dalai is a Greek/Mongolian versatile cellist, singer, improviser and composer. She has toured and worked with bands from various modern music styles and written and produced music for international films and theatrical productions. Along with her solo work, she is currently member of bands Antiqva and Black Veil. In this workshop Dalai is going…

Julian Gutierrez

piano Born in Cuba, Julian Gutierrez grew up in an environment conducive to musical vocations, as his father, guitarist Ramiro Gutierrez, introduced him to music at an early age. After graduating from Cuba’s Esteban Salas Conservatory, the pianist joined several local ensembles, including Mezcla, with whom he toured Europe and the United States. After settling in la…

Jacek Kochan

drumset & percussion JACEK KOCHAN - composer, arranger, producer, music director and percussionist. Masters degree from Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow (“Graphic interpretation of musical concepts”). Percussion and vibraphone study in Grant Mac Evan College in Edmonton. Private lessons from Jaco Pastorius, Mike Clark, Robbie Gonzales. Composing over 200 performed and recorded, compositions for…

Annette-Barbara Vogel

violin Annette-Barbara Vogel’s rich international performing career has featured her as a soloist, recitalist and chamber musician in over thirty countries across six continents. Considered one of the finest German violinists of her generation, she is renowned for her “authoritative and highly sensitive performances,” and “formidable technique, stunning musicality, and stage presence that transmits to…

Mariko Sato

piano, Taubman Technique Living in Canada, Montreal based pianist Mariko Sato was born in Tokyo, Japan, and has had a long and distinguished career spanning the last half century as a professor, concert artist, professional accompanist and teacher.  She possesses a diverse musical background, having studied with Joko Gondo, Seymour Bernstein, Arminda Canteros, Lorand Fenyves, Itzhak Perlman,…