JACEK KOCHAN – composer, arranger, producer, music director and percussionist. Masters degree from Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow (“Graphic interpretation of musical concepts”). Percussion and vibraphone study in Grant Mac Evan College in Edmonton. Private lessons from Jaco Pastorius, Mike Clark, Robbie Gonzales.
Composing over 200 performed and recorded, compositions for various jazz ensembles. Composing and performing music for voice, choirs, solo percussion, trash percussion, electronics, small ensemble and orchestra.
Developing Papersonix, unique percussion instrument. Writing, performing and producing music for Modern Movement dance theatres, solo dance performers. Scoring and performing music in Italian silent movie “Railways”. Soloist and ensemble player for MOM Jazz Philharmonic Orchestra in New York (dir. Justin di Cioccio) and the Radio Symphonic Orchestra in Warsaw (dir. Wojciech Michniewski).
Major conteporary works:
1988 – “Labyrinth” for female voice, acoustic bass and symphony orchestra
1989 – “Thihab il alsahra” and “Sailing through the mountains” for female voice, small choir, acoustic bass, percussion and symphony orchestra.
2006 – composition “Alsamples” for small wind ensemble, quartertone trumpet, electronics and live electronics, percussion and trash percussion, International Festival of Contemporary Music, “Warsaw Autumn”
2007 – composition “Meaning of soon” for solo percussion, trash percussion and electronics, Drumbly Kaunas Festival,
2006 -music and direction, for the Movement theater AKT play, “Garden of pleasures”
2006 – music score for Italian silent movie “Railways”.
2008 – composion music for contemporary dance performance “Seemless” and Surrogats“
2008 – Participating in production of contemporary opera “Marta’s garden”, by Cezary Duchnowski (world premiere, Leipzig, MDR Radio Studio).
2008 – featured as a soloist in “Course J” by Boguslaw Schaeffer and “Lipps” by Krzysztof Knittel, MOM Jazz Philharmonic Orchestra in New York under direction of Justin di Cioccio and with Radio Symphonic Orchestra in Warsaw. 2009 – opera “Marta’s garden”, by Cezary Duchnowski, International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn.
2009 – music for „Sulla via dell’ immortalita“ – Jadi Carboni contemporary dance production (world premiere in Berlin, followed by Paris, Moscow, Rome and Ancona).
2009 – “Papersonus” project, compositions for unique instrument called papersonix with electronics and two pianos, Musica Electronica Nova
2010 – composing 6 variations of Fryderyk Chopin’s prelude, Chopin Around Ensemble Project
2011 – participating in Cezary Duchnowski’s composition “Monada 5”
2013 – composing 8 variations of simple Witold Lutoslawski’s compositions for piano, bass and percussion, LUTOSL Project.
2014 – participating in oratorio “Genesis” with Cezary Duchnowski, Pawel Heindrich Agada Zubel and Adrzej Bauer project Bogurodzica (Cloister of The Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo, Musica Polonica Nova)
2014 – Trans-Fusion 9 and Awangarda-Improwisation (Musica Polonica Nova) with Phil Minton, Andrzej Bauer, Cazary Duchnowski,
2016 – music director for Arts Games, (Montreal, Rio de Janeiro), composing and scoring for the performance.
Major jazz and contemporary music festivals:
Internationales Musikinstitut (IMD)-Darmstadt, International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn, Music Electronica Nova, International Drum Festival Drumblys, Festival of Jazz Pianists in Kalisz, Avant Art in Wroclaw, Sibiu Jazz Festival, New New Yorkers Festival, Cracow Audio Art, Warsaw Audio Art, Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Perkusyjny – Zrodla i Inspiracje, Montreal Jazz Festival, Toronto Jazz Festival, Ottawa Jazz Festival, Edmonton Jazz Festival, Kaunus Jazz Festival, Krakowski Festiwal Kultury Alternatywnej, Warsaw Summer Jazz Days Cracow Summer Jazz Festival Palermo Summer Jazz Festival Music Polonica Nova Vancouver Jazz Festival Palm Jazz Festival Ballarat Festival of Slow Music RARA Festival-Siracusa Tokyo New Music Festival Melbourne International Jazz Festival
Recordings as a leader and composer: “Visitor” feat. Pat Labarbera, “Corporate highlanders”, “Gray angel”, “Standard transmission” feat. John Abercrombie, “Tomorrow’s dreams”, “Alberta” feat. Kenny Wheeler, “Our standards” feat. Joey Calderazzo, “Plastinated black sheep” feat. Adam Pieronczyk, Eddie Schuller, “Monorain” feat. Andre Leroux, Jean Pierre Zanella, “Double life of a chair” feat. Palle Mikkekborg, Dave Tronzo, “Another blowfish” feat. Michel Donato, Piotr Wojtasik, Eric Vloeimans), “New expensive head” feat. Cuong Vu, Eivind Aarset, Skerik), “One eyed horse” feat. Greg Osby, Franz Hautzinger, “Yearning” feat. Uschihashi Kazuhisa, Franz Hautzinger, Francois Corneloup, Adam Simmons, Slawek Jaskulke, “Man of no words” feat. Gary Thomas, “Filing the profile” feat. George Garzone, “Ruth, send an sms” with Franz Hautzinger and Uschihashi Kazuhisa , “Three point shot” feat. Jerry Bergonzi , “Third of three” feat. Mauro Schiavone, “Amhran” feat. Seamus Blake, “What’s wrong with now” and “Do I the in”, “Wagon 8” with Tellef Ogrim and Clementine Gasser, “Parentes” with musiConspiracy, “The other side of if” with N.A.K. trio “Ambush” with N.A.K. trio “Ajee” with AJEE, feat. Dominik Wania and Bartek Prucnal “Occupational hazard” with musiConspiracy “Life, stress and other pleasures” with NAKAJEE, feat. Jerry DeVilliers Jr. and Dominik Wania
Recordings as a sideman Eddie Henderson, Tellef Ogrim, Tomasz Stanko, Eddie Schuller, Zbigniew Namyslowski, Helmut Lipsky, Michel Donato, Karen Young.
Music cooperations: Dave Liebman, John Abercrombie, Gary Thomas, Jerry Bergonzi, Greg Osby, Joey Calderazzo, Kenny Wheller, George Garzone, Uri Caine, Miroslav Vitous, Nguyen Le, Palle Mikkelborg, Seamus Blake, Jon Balke, Eddie Henderson, Mark Copland, Tomasz Stanko, Zbigniew Namyslowski, Tomasz Szukalski, Dave Tronzo, Eivind Aarset, Dave Fuczynski, Briggan Krauss, Cuong Vu, Franz Hautzinger, François Corneloup, Eric Vloeimans, Bo Stief, Lars Danielsson, Phil Minton, Christian Spering, Furio DiCastri, Michel Benita, Uchihashi Kazuhisa, Jakob Dinesen, Adam Simmons, Helmut Lipsky, Tellef Ogrim, Mats Eilertsen, Klaus Dickbauer, Axel Dorner, Skerik, Leszek Mozdzer, Ernesto Molinari, Krzysztof Knittel, Andrzej Bauer, Cezary Duchnowski, Iva Bitova, Agata Zubel, Markus Weiss, Uwe Oberg, Uwe Dierksen, Axel Dörner, Uli Fussenegger, Ernst-Ludwig Hübsch, Michael Markus, Joe Fonda, Eddie Schuller.
Education activities: Den Kulturelle Skolesekken – series of master classes, workshops and concerts for Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Education Little Academy of Jazz – series of master classes, workshops and concerts for Polish Ministry of Culture and Education Summer in the city – series of workshops and concerts for Warsaw Praga, Department of Culture and Education Le Petite Ecole du Jazz de Montreal Private students
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